

What’s happening in the Alabama writing world…

2023 Alabama Writing Workshop: Call for Volunteers

The Alabama Writing Workshop is looking for two volunteers to help with their annual event, which is scheduled for Friday, March 10 from 8:30 am to 5 pm. The typical duties are simple and include helping at the registration desk, getting people checked in and running the pitch room. 

Volunteers get the opportunity to mingle with all the agents and speakers at lunch, which will be provided for free for volunteers.

Also, each volunteer will get one 10-minute pitch with an agent of his/her choice free of charge. AWC volunteers can speak to the entire audience for up to 5 minutes, promoting the AWC if they like. 

While the Alabama Writing Workshop only needs two volunteers, other members who want to attend get a discounted rate of $50 off registration.

For more information about volunteering, please reach out to Brian at 513-675-6538. And if you are interested in learning more about the 2023 Alabama Writing Workshop, please visit the website.

Bradley Sides